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Residence Permit


What is Residency/Residence?

   Oturum is a permission document that foreign citizens must obtain in order to overstay their visa in the Republic of Turkey. This document is issued by the Directorates of Migration Management of the Governorates located in the cities and regions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This document is your identity in Turkey. 

Who can apply for a residence permit?

All foreign citizens can apply for residence in Turkey, but the Immigration Department decides who will be granted it. For this purpose, a notarized document is required for the rental contract of foreign citizens, the house title purchased from Turkey, or if it stays in the house of a relative or acquaintance. In addition, he must show the purpose of his stay in Turkey (student, treatment, tourist, etc.) with documents. 

Types of residence permit


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Student Residences

It is the most affordable type of residence among the types of residence. To get a student residence, it is enough to have a place of residence, a student ID from your university or school, and health insurance covering the required year period. Student residence applications are unlikely to be rejected if the documents are prepared correctly and completely. Lack of documents can lead to penalties and long waiting times for students. We have also observed that many university students who do not receive sessions freeze their registrations. It is very important and useful for students to be sensitive to this issue.

Types of insurance for residence

Where to buy insurance is a topic that the Immigration Department takes seriously. Currently, the insurances provided in Turkey can be divided into 2 parts.

1. State Insurance SSI:   is the insurance provided by Sağlık Güvenlik Kurumu (SGK). In order to apply for Social Security, students must obtain a registration from the Immigration Office within 2 months from the date of their first registration at the university (not the start of classes or class registration) and must register with the given YKN number beginning with 99. Students who want to get SSI can sign up for this type of insurance when visiting the Immigration Office. However, when they receive insurance from SSI, they must report this to the Immigration Department. The SSI payment is subject to change by the state every year according to the minimum wage. In 2022, students must pay 2400 TL annually. SSI insurances are valid in all public hospitals and the treatments covered are extensive. It is recommended that people with chronic diseases or citizens who get sick often should buy this insurance.

2. Private Health Insurances: There are many companies that provide this insurance. It must be obtained before applying to the Immigration Office and meet the requirements required by the Office. Insurance policies that do not meet it are not accepted by the Immigration Department and their applications are rejected. The treatments covered by the insurances differ from each other according to their validity in which hospitals. It is important for policyholders to know what the policies cover and in which hospitals they are valid. Almost all of these insurances are valid in private hospitals. The treatments covered by most private health insurances are not extensive and are only valid in emergencies. These emergency situations are given to you in the insurance policy. For example, a student with a headache or flu may be an emergency, but the insurance company may not treat it as an emergency.  These insurances have different prices depending on age and gender. From 10.07.2022, insurance prices officially start from 1700 TL.

You can get insurances at very reasonable and discounted prices by contacting us.



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